Portal Help Videos

Here you can find helpful videos and walk-thru’s for some of the most commonly used actions within Midwest Logistics portal access. Click the links below to be dropped down to each section.

Viewing Inventory and Stock Levels

Viewing Shipments

Requesting Shipments – Order Entry Process

Sending Inventory – Receipt Entry Process

Viewing Inventory and Stock Levels

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After getting logged into the system click the “Inventory” button located in the navigation bar at the top of the page. Once you are on the Inventory page take notice of the three additional section links available for: Item, Lot and Piece. These section links are located at the top of the middle body section and run across the top. By default the page will load with the Item section active – notated by the blue underline. For most intent and purposes the Item section will be the most used. However you can also use the Lot and Piece to filter and search with those criteria in mind.

In order to display any data you will need to start by clicking the blue “Display” button. You will need to repeat this action when visiting either section. At this point you will see a grid with inventory information displayed. The grid will display 10 rows with pagination at the bottom. You can quickly filter and search by using any of the empty input boxes above the grid columns. Simply enter in characters and the grid will auto filter. Remove the characters from the column input to show all items again. You can also click the bolded column titles to sort by high/low. Performing these sorting features will pull and sort from all of your inventory data (not just the data displayed in the initial 10 rows).

This grid will display all needed information about your inventory. The last four columns on the grid can help provide a 100 foot view for aggressive inventory needs. The Qty Available column is adjusted from the Qty Outbound. Same as the Qty Projected is adjusted from the Qty Inbound. The Qty on Hand will display the units available in the warehouse for shipping.

Viewing Shipments

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After getting logged into the system find the “Activity” button located in the navigation bar at the top of the page. Use the dropdown on the Activity navigation link to view your shipments; go to Activity < Shipments.

Once you are on the Shipments page take notice of the two additional section links available for: Pending Shipments and Posted Shipments. These section links are located at the top of the middle body section and run across the top. By default the page will load with the Pending Shipment section active – notated by the blue underline. Most of time you will be searching in the Posted Shipments section.

In order to display any data you will need to start by clicking the blue “Display” button. You will need to repeat this action when visiting either section. At this point you will see a grid with shipment information displayed. The grid will display 10 rows with pagination at the bottom. You can quickly filter and search by using any of the empty input boxes above the grid columns. Simply enter in characters and the grid will auto filter. Remove the characters from the column input to show all entries again. You can also click the column titles to quickly sort by high/low. You can expand the view and display additional information about these shipping entries by clicking chevron/arrow icon located at the far left of each row. Exporting options are located at the bottom of the page.

Requesting Shipments - Order Entry Process

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If you are needing to input or request a shipment for Midwest to complete you will need to create an Order Entry. This action is commonly used for warranty or 3rd party site shipments (amazon/ebay). Begin by getting logged into the system. Next find and click the “Order Entry” button located in the navigation bar at the top of the page. Once you are on the Order Entry page click the green plus icon located at the top left of the middle body section.

This will bring up a Pending Order form. Enter in your information as needed. For the References section, on the right side of the page, please insert your original order number into the Header Reference input. You can also enter in any other descriptor but this input will be used to reference or find the Order within the system in the future. Under the Order Information section be sure to fill out the Expected Ship Date and Ship Method.

Add the items to your order by clicking the Select Inventory link at the left side of the grid below the Order Information section. Search for your item by entering the item sku or simply click the blue Display button to show all inventory items. Select items by clicking the check box located on the far left of the grid. You can select multiple items, even from multiple pages before submitting. Once you have selected all of the items to be included click the blue Submit button at the bottom of the grid. You will then be returned to original Order Entry form page with the selected items now populating the grid. Enter your quantities for each item by inputing a value into the Qty boxes, located at the far right of the grid, for each row/item. Once you have added your items to the Order Entry form you can proceed down to add comments or include attachments if needed.

At this point you can submit your Order Entry form. The entry will stay in your Order Entry section for a short time to allow for any edits. Within a few minutes the system will accept the entry and it will then be located in the Activity < Shipments page under the Pending Shipments section. Once the entry has been completed it will then be located under the Posted Shipments section.

Sending Inventory - Receipt Entry Process

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If you are sending inventory stock to Midwest Logistics then you will need to create a Receipt Entry before sending your items. To begin this process get logged into the system and click the “Receipt Entry” button located in the navigation bar at the top of the page. Once you are on the Receipt Entry page click the green plus icon located at the top left of the middle body section.

This will bring up a Pending Receipt form. Enter in your information as needed. For the References section, on the right side of the page, please insert your Pro number (tracking number) or any descriptor about the items to be received into the Header Reference input. i.e. “3 pallets 94340494837291”. Under the Receipt Information section be sure to fill out the Expected Rct Date, Ship Method, Carrier Code and Carrier Name.

Add the items to your Receipt Entry by clicking the Select Items link at the left side of the grid below the Receipt Information section. Search for your item by entering the item sku or simply click the blue Display button to show all inventory items. Select items by clicking the check box located on the far left of the grid. You can select multiple items to be submitted to the form at once. You can find your items by pagination, colomn, sorting, searching or filter options. Once you have selected all of the items to be included in your Receipt entry form click the blue Submit button at the bottom of the screen. You will then be returned to original Receipt Entry form page with the selected items now populating the grid. Enter your Lot and Quantity values for each item as needed in their respective input boxes. Once you have completed all steps to the Receipt Entry form you can proceed down to add attachments or comments if needed.

At this point you can submit your Receipt Entry form. The entry will stay in your Receipt Entry section for a short time to allow for any edits. Within a few minutes the system will accept the entry and it will then be located in the Activity < Receipts page under the Pending Receipts section. Once the entry has been completed it will then be located under the Posted Receipts section.